After a four-month retrial, Mr. Hernandez was found guilty on Feb. 14, 2017, of murder and kidnapping. Obviously she's being vague because of the C&D but it still seems a little bit weird. He chuckled, said "wow, the things that go on on our platform, can't really comment," & moved on. its weird that A LOT, if damn near not ALL, of these girls making these accusations havent gotten the police involved. I was sexually harassed by a large streamer in Los Angeles in 2016. How is a word for a ghost on Halloween racist? There's no trying to pressure anyone into sex. Not only are they possibly ruining an innocent person's life, but they also make it harder for actual victims to talk about it and be believed. just stuff that he has talked about in the past few years already according to him. who wrote 2020 script needs to be hired to remake season 8 of Game of thrones. Thing is, you shouldn't have to sue. They just dont talk about it like that. Y'all have gone fuckin insane. He has retired from streaming. Can you elaborate with the whole Scarra and Ryan Higa thing? I suggest you read this. I'm not really sure she grasp what she did. Why not give this same card to the Exec that asked early on even if you weren't on youtube. idk the whole story though ofc, God I want Slasher on the scuffed podcast this week to talk about this. Tw:R*pe In 2016 I was repeatedly r*ped by partnered Twitch streamer Phantomsfx. Yeah that video with his dog was cringe. You should not immediately hate someone unless the evidence against them is so strong that its impossible to give benefit of any doubt. " I'm not sure if Bungie ever worked with the Saynotorage guy, but they will continue to not work with him. I'm surprised ProSyndicate even still has a career after the CSGO Gambling shit,, Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. His apology here. sleepyk asked to have sex with me at age 14. Regarding the allegation against HenryG, is she talking about Pansy? Somebody can make a 5 minute mockup of a fake discord convo and ruin somebody's entire life forever. Accusations like this tend to stick even IF the accuser is found guilty of lying. My experience with Co-CEO of Method, Sascha. His apology here. dunno where I got banana from. If so it's a shame she was treated that way and I can see why she moved on to casting other games. His statement from his second twitter account(confirmed by the accuser) here. There are these logs, not sure if any more exist, [2018-07-28 06:05:41 UTC] kaitlyn: yes JP sexually harassed me and groomed me, [2018-07-28 06:05:47 UTC] kaitlyn: and doesn't care that someone who sexually assaulted me is on rollplay. Those who demolished their targets to the point where they are barely alive, let alone in a position to defend themselves. TurkeyTom bouta defend sooooooo many sex offenders. He hopped on the Facebook gaming thing secured a bag I believe and just does stocks and chills uploading stuff still but I get the for fun vibes. This is the most accurate thing. The most recent Ryan Higa girlfriend is Arden Cho. This is what people need to think about, people who are actually twisting or exaggerating their stories, there are real consequences, and I 100% don't believe that that "collateral damage" is acceptable like some people would claim. Here are some examples of predatory behavior that was reported numerous times on twitch and ignored! Let me remember for the funny minecraft vids and good music at times. The presence of a weapon). Most of the female stories so far have been written like women have no agency at all. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 3498. How old is Lauren riihimaki? I'm sure me even just explaining this common sense stuff is going to have someone take it badly. All I know for sure is a lot of people are gonna get really popular off these allegations, whether it's the people making them, the people accused or the Youtube sithlord dramafarmers who consider themselves newscasters. Ill follow up in this thread with proof of the abuse. But I wont tolerate Libel & Fiction. I wouldn't trust anything unless there is some kinda of proof that it happened. Just important to remember these are just allegations, Im not saying they arent true. Doesn't matter if you did something, only that you might've done it. dude was clearly attracted to her and made moves that she didnt oppose. To those who are too scared, It's okay. But, I think also you have a lot of people particularly women reading shit like 50 shades of grey and not understanding what the difference between bdsm, mental.dom, and genuine psychological abuse is. The entire story is assumptions of Joe's intents, coupled with her thoughts and doubts at the time which she never expresses. yep. Good to see badger coming out to defend himself with actual evidence, you put your peepee in my weewee when I told you no uwu, "heres where it gets a little fuzzy" yeah because youre making it up. Now, years later, she decides that encounter wasn't consensual and has a story about how Witwix was forcing himself upon her, and COMPLETELY leaves out all the other details in the story about how they had spent the night together (from 8pm to 6am according to witwix), had spent hours kissing/fooling around, etc. Tl,dr: "I send my nudes willingly to fragnance and he spread them". More information about Method here. The only 'evidence' was her friend said she didn't feel comfortable in his streaming house, so she 'knew immediately what she meant' and they left. Wassabi Productions is a comedy channel on YouTube. But yeah he's an absolute scumbag for scamming kids. read through this guys google drive and he has messages of her literally saying this after this pax party had already happened: "Haha. The amount of hate he got is still funny to this day. Just my 2 cents. Damn, I thought that was Justin Wong the fighting game prodigy and got real confused for a second. Asmongold thoughts regarding streamers/Orgs and Sexual Misconduct here. Couldn't anyone just make up anything about me from that point on? you should go to jail. One of the dudes in the comment section is fucking insane: Im glad he is being completely barred like he was meant to from the beginning. It's not confirmed yet. People really didn't learn from Johnny Depp. He put his hand in my pants and was almost crying at me to let him. I believe it is, it's been brought up a few times over the years. The amount of stories that start with, he was acting like a real creep, and I was so uncomfortable.Followed bythey offered to pay for this, they invited me to that, they asked me to join them for this, they got me into thatso I figured, why not? Yeah Ive never heard of this guy either. Innocent people don't try and erase everything they have been seen doing on stream if there is nothing being done wrong. My Stalker & Assault, My Ex, Underage Fans, Bryan Stars' Involvement & Why I'm Talking Now. A lot of discrepancies and one simple "I have a boyfriend" when asked to join him in the shower would have probably stopped all of this lol. She was pretty rude but she was also being manipulated by an adult. Also sad that some people lie and falsely accuse others, ruining their career. Sexual assault is "sexualcontact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim". edit: Bully Hunters vs CSGOLotto thats spicy, LUL I completely forgot about that, thanks for reminding me, Oh man PaperBatVG is involved in this? Good thing he didnt post it on r/livestreamfails then. I told him as much when he tried to get me to masturbate for him again, BaconDonutTV accused of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse to Tactical_Pinup, mother of his 2 children here. I remember there were speculation videos about their break up for weeks before she more or less confirmed it and Syndicate never officially said anything. Guy cussed so much my parents would get pissed over it. As well as accusing innocent parties, they're throwing actual victims of these things under the metaphorical bus. Her story sounded like complete bullshit. Step on me. With that said, if any of these allegations are true well, then the perpetrators deserve what's coming their way. I haven't seen this on this thread. About a year ago scarra was on Ryan's off the pill podcast. This list is not being updated anymore, i have spent too many hours trying to report everything that i find in a way that shows both perspectives. FAZE Banks, FAZE Clan owner, apparently has also been accused here. His response here. Cryaotic apology and some more information here. What a dickhead this guy Trey is in the comments. About Grant. For what it's worth he still occasionally hangs with people from OTV and their friends so whatever the drama was it probably wasn't too serious. Dude's career was built on working for years before most people had ever heard of him tbh. Am I just that ignorant? What's crazy to me people from his community including his wife are actively defending this dude. (old news but i will keep it). Swifty one is the same way. Can we use this as an opportunity to also cancel keemstar? Dont know how much truth it holds, but the allegations are a lot lot worse towards him than that. I'm also sure some will be false accusations that won't lead to anything. I don't think JP has ever mentioned it and it seems like it blows over every time. She goes into detail about the proof, which includes Discord screenshots. If someone is famous and tries to approach a girl it can go different ways, more different than us nonfamous people. How the fuck is that Cry's fault? I just remember this video where he explained he got the house from youtube money:, As well as tweeting that he bought it: theres plenty of good honest streamers that actually deserve the success they work hard for. and, at worst, file claims that are counterclaimed and automatically expire. Kaitly_n accused of grooming guys 10 years younger than her by AnneMunition here and here. Think the big Destiny steamers like Broman, Goth all knew about it and were waiting for the Women to feel comfortable telling their stories publically so they never really did anything with him. (although she unfollowed me recently it seems), lol wut. He did a charity stream and raise over 50k for someone i know personally that had cancer. He has been banned from Twitch. As far as I know, everything was online and most of it technically didn't happen under they were 18, but still a serious case for grooming. I mean, it's now come out that it wasn't just one underage girl, that he has had Skype sex with one of them, and that his ex was underage when they started dating. One of the people has already come out with evidence against one of the accusations. I assume this is Sp00nerism, the former Creature? This is why you have to screen for mental stability when or if you fuck a fan or anyone. I remember him taking off his pants. Her post describing the event is written like erotica. He has been banned from the Smite community here. But this one wtf????? He obviously was forced to quit his job. This is fucking stupid.. I remember a stream when he admitted to being a piece of shit to Jen Denise without going in to much detail around one of their breakups. I was so naive to think he would keep that promise. There's a lot of on the line here for people, and they might just push these things out to save themselves. I mean I could go on Twitter now and say Soviet Womble forced me to have sex with his dog lulu, it's a lie obviously but some people just want attention. Fucking weirdo. Basically if you try to spread lies about someone that is harmful to them as an individual and/or their career is a potential crime. Purple_HS accused of sexual assault here. Spreadsheet by JessyQuial here. Here's DarkTwinge saying you should support those that are suffering: Edit2 (2020-06-28): In light of recent events, yellowpaco being in Fed's camp makes A LOT of sense. I should at least be able to talk about what I've been though. He enjoys being with Alex and Roi . It's a brutal industry. Trying to save herself much? Correct, i am trying to update the list with all the information that i can find. His responde to the allegations here. Just sounds like a guy who was flirting, making pretty obvious offer of taking a girl out and feeling midly annoyed over being strung along (in his perception). Invites him to her hotel room, kisses, gets in bed, gets naked and now he wants to have sex ?! Guilty till proven innocent is the rule of twitter and even after they're proven innocent their lives are still ruined. If you want all accusations, the details and information, here is the spreadsheet i made. But his plans fell apart in June 2015, when he was struck by a car in L.A. while he was walking, says Wu. First time I'm hearing about this. ProSyndicate about the allegations, more information here. These are legitimate crimes. Not long after he started doing much more. After that night, he texted her twice and she never responded so he left her alone. So in context of my previous post, @itmejp, can you lift your Cease & Desist and threat to sue me so I can talk about my abuse and physical assault on twitch? Important thing to note, however you can believe victims while still holding judgement until all of the evidence is provided. Look what happened with ProJared and Chris Hardwick. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Lol people never learn. He asked her on a date and she said yes, is he supposed to know she doesn't want to be there or that she has a boy friend. EDIT - Additional allegations against him by exes:, Here's accusation against Badger:, And his reply with a Google drive with a lot of evidence against it: People won't read individual cases, they'll just paint all accused as "bad", and go after them. These are allegedly legitimate crimes. That is ridiculous. Second girl is coming forward agains reckful:, For example WitWix is talking about it right now: Ya hes a terrible boyfriend but its not sexual assault. Most of the time women (and even men too) just stay quiet about sexual harassment because they feel the police and judges wont do anything. launders, csgo caster accused of rape here. Just like that, because he has a fame. You fucking idiots. The blocking her phone stuff seemed weird, but I think that is not the whole story there. I did not do that job as well as I should have, which rightfully resulted in confusion and hurt feelings from Kaitlyn, Steven, Neal, and other contractors. Another member of LNC, Scott, mentioned having previously questioned Cry because things were popping up that made him suspicious but Cry just lied about the entire thing. If you don't know the girl don't approach her as she can ruin your life with one web post. Shit like this is just pathetic towards actual victims. Since he engaged and acknowledged it, people piled on Tmartn and he took the majority of the heat for it. witwix accused of sexual harassment here. She literally lied and said she didn't have a boyfriend. It happened 2 years ago, one girl come out live on stream and all twitch did is DELETED VODs I also want to say (in regards to Badger) that his victims (supposed) are also saying he doxed them. You told me that you could help me. "An engaging, beautifully synthesized page-turner" (Slate).The #1 New York Times bestseller and Time #1 Nonfiction Book of the Year: Hillary Rodham Clinton's most personal memoir yet, about the 2016 presidential election. She explicitly states she's lying to him and stringing him along in her own accusation, so I don't know what she wanted to accomplish with that. "I really feeling this thing he wanted to try but he insisted so we did it for 2 hours" The fk? I saw Shannon getting involved as well to back up Anne.. That shit backfired real quick. He was 20+. diegosaurs response here. LOL. One of the people coming out with accusations against him is his former girlfriend Kaitlin Witcher. (not updated). Is this the same accusation about him from a year or 2 ago if anyone knows? Now anyone can call out anyone without the need of evidence. Remember when people were placing Harvey Weinstein and Louis CK in the same basket? Some of these girls are 20-22 just starting theirs. op shouldve linked all the people involved, like cry admitting to being a groomer. Their statement here. oh fuck i remember that, probably the last thing i heard about him! This started in the Destiny community., Victoria makes a fake rape claim! DMBrandon accused of sexual assault and others here, here and here. Creepy, but not harassment, not assault, not rape. She's accusing him of Doxxing Chica because he's defending himself from rape allegations. Witwix is addressing the allegations against him atm., Make fun of gay people and lie about streaming. Reading further into this I genuinely think some people are just fucking emotional pussies who can't handle anything without crying and breaking down. diegosaurs response here. His statement can be found here. Drama is reserved for stuff like streamer beefing with others, this shit is straight up criminal, na, going to the police and pressing charges is criminal stuff, Tweetlonger fights are drama. Im not saying you have to blindly believe all people opening about their cases.. but just to keep an open mind about them being true, the same way you are keeping an open mind about the accusations being false. Lol I remember watching his YouTube vids like 10 years ago. Just reading through her story she said things like "I believe" or her memory is "hazy". 5pm was his panel, say it ends around 6pm, then apparently 5 hours passed so that puts it around 11pm. I hope things get better, but I don't think it will before a large scale scandal develops. Yep theyve said exactly that. I told my boyfriend at the time, what happened and he convinced me it was my fault "Why didn't you stand up for yourself? I guess by extension also Scarra but I would assume that because of his connection to Ryan Higa. He was born in Hawaii, but is half-Filipino and half-Japanese. Is it because these claims wouldnt hold any water in a court of law? Nika Harper accused of sexual assault here. (@stuartgibson). His wifes answer to it all DMCA all the proof. Jesus some of you guys are like lore masters, knowing these little details. More like years in prison. My advice to the zoomer generation that dont think about what they write or say online is the following. At 2am in the morning on twitter?! He did seem to have a decent amount of evidence however to negate a lot of the claims but still. To those who are speaking out, you are incredibly brave, and I want to thank you. And all the people saying " I'll believe you no matter what" is pretty fucking scary. I've seen life so I can give an earful without worrying about my career. Like how can he stop her from talking about something from her life? idk, i find it hard to believe they can put up an act 10+ hours a day/7 days a week (xQc). Just to give you guys a size of this thing, here's the German wikipedia page. These people are not accused of anything. They used to live in the same neighbourhood and eventually went to the same high school where they became best friends. It also explains why Victoria once said on stream that "she had to blow many dicks to get where she is"she participates and helps foster the environment where other woman are preyed on.. You can try and upvote but SG are such bottom feeders now that no one really cares about all the crap they have pulled for years and being covered for by others higher up at Twitch. I would absolutely never do this to someone. They still haven't been able to fully recover. The iAmSp00n one is really weird. I told my boyfriend at the time, what happened and he convinced me it was my fault "Why didn't you stand up for yourself? Wouldn't be surprised if he does act creepy. No person deserves to be silenced for this long. cw// domestic abuse, self-harm, depression, narcissism. If it is PROVEN that someone falsely accused you of sexual harassment etc. Basically guaranteed them top spot on youtube's frontpage and rake in pre-adpocalyse ad money. Joe Miller, esports caster accused of sexual misconduct here, here and here. Would end up being critiqued for having too much unrealistic fantasy of drama and they'd be like conquering the iron throne wouldn't be that bad.. Im so lost. It's even lower if they're within 5 years of each other. I know I seem willing here, but that doesn't make a difference as I was 15 when we first started talking. How in the FUCK does he get put onto a list with actual rape/sexually accused people. and got nervous thinking some of these seemingly nice boys turned to be monsters. Dont jump to attack; dont jump to defense, investigate and draw a conclusion. Someone reached out to one of my friends and said that I had raped them at a con. Exactly. TurkeyTom bouta defend sooooooo many sex offenders. Mr. Fishbein, right, Mr. Hernandez's lawyer, in Supreme Court in December during the . Sociopathic, predatory manchildren and deceitful harpies with princess syndrome are what you end up with when you haven't learned how to interact with real people, or take responsibility for your actions. Of course everyone is different, but to me it sounds very elaborate compared to the matter of fact way that assault victims describe the experience. Probably because it is. An interesting tweet from one of his teammates about him here. About Grant. Imagine how disgusting you have to be to be called disgusting by a guy who slept with a dead rat for months, he seen a roach on the wall the other day on stream and didnt even kill it LOL literal god, Dude had a dead rat in his bedroom for months because he never cleans it and discovered it once finally cleaning his room. We really need to step on it with our mind reading technology because SOME(not all) of these literally boil down to "I said yes with my words and actions but in my head I was thinking I was assaulted". Fucking scum. TobiWan accused of initiating sexual activity with no consent here. They are often used by big companies legal teams as intimidation even when they have no case as you said, but theyre not inherently bad or scummy. DotaDemon accused of sexual assault here, here and here. No excuses. People that lie about serious shit like this can ruin a innocent mans life. AngryJoe also has some accusations here. yeah idk why its formatted like this, this is just people leaving opg. No, and I don't think dickheads should be lumped in with rapists and sexual assaulters, they're on entirely different sides of the line. Chilled Chaos accused of raping a 12 year old girl. ActaBunniFooFoo accused of sexual assault here. He seemed very standoffish and almost pretentious. LilyPichu has deleted her tweet. They knew what had happened but waited for the victims to share their story. Fyi AJ is outraged about it on twitter and categorically denying. Regardless of this particular situation thinking people have to react a particular way is incredibly toxic. Please keep the following people in mind: Johnny Depp & ProJared. Even the accusation of that has ruined lives. If you still want to send said message, go for it. Sometimes when there are tons of accusations there is at least one in there that just seems like they have buyers remorse rather than anything bad happening to them. This post is simply to inform and spread awareness of what has been happening. I've done it for my girl friends, and I've shepherded away my guy friends. None of us do. As though they are some how equal. The Precambrian accounts for seven-eighths of our planet's history. She seems to have a really short leash when it comes to that stuff. It just really sucks because you can definitely tell some of these girls went through hell and you are diminishing their stories with your made up attention seeking/mental illness stories. You are happier about finding people getting sexually assaulted and abused by people in power, instead of wholesome chess shit? Cinnpie accused of sexual relationship with puppeh when he was 14 and she was 24 here. lol perma banned from twitch? He was E-dating two girls at the same time at the start of his career. I hope she gets prosecuted over this, it shouldn't be this easy to ruin a man's life. Bil "Jump" Carter accused of rape here. That guy's lucky he can prove it, but most of the time it's hard to prove innocence. Sounds like something she could go to prison for too. 2898. I think I need to speak with a lawyer. I won't delete the post because some people have it bookmarked but it's not sticked anymore on the frontpage and I won't interact with it anymore. But this is twitter so guilty until proven innocent. Damn, i thought he was the good guy. It's just a nasty element of human nature, especially of any mob/large group. Tori admits that the following abusive messages made her break down and end stream. I was manipulated by Miniladd, I was 16/17. While the "I didn't know she was underage" defense only means so much, not having sex with a minor is a very meaningful distinction. Don't get me wrong, not defending anyone here I just think people are jumping the gun without hearing the other side. His best bet is to just shut up and lawyer up, especially if he did nothing wrong. In the replies, AnneMunition has accused Kaitlin of grooming underaged boys for sex. It's like the worlds weakest smokescreen. Yeah just a classic example of an awkward guy not being able to read the situation well. He groomed underage fans. You will never be forgotten. Completely agree. Kaitly_n picked a fight with Anne of all people. Nothing new, Paco did it to multiple girls associated with "OfflineTV/Just Friends" and that's why he was banned from the house. In this "candid and blackly funny" (The New York Times) memoir, Hillary Rodham Clinton reveals what she was thinking and feeling during one of the most . this is the definition of a 'moral panic'. No women in history ever lied about sexual attack or domestic violence, right? On the 28th January 1944, the USS Grayback with her 80 strong crew, left on their 10th Combat Mission from Pearl Harbour. I haven't read all of the allegations, because if I did, I would just start getting angry over how fucking retarded people are. 2796. Yeah, OP should probably separate these into what their accusations actually are OP is a retard. Lied and said that i can give an earful without worrying about my career guilty on 14..., Victoria makes a lot of on the line here for people and! Just explaining this common sense stuff is going to have someone take it badly think i to... She never expresses if anyone knows a size of this thing he wanted to try but he insisted so did. And rake in pre-adpocalyse ad money what happened to yellowpaco hours '' the fk right now: Ya hes a boyfriend. His statement from his community including his wife are actively defending this dude about him from year! On Halloween racist a groomer pressure anyone into sex youtube 's frontpage rake... 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