We just came to know about CMT in our son. Young Lee For some people a ketogenic diet may be beneficial for weight loss but may be too deficient in carbohydrates, leaving you feeling fatigued. Im going carnivore as theres many in CMT groups who tried it and are improving. My name is Samantha. If the man has another form of CMT, the risk is less clear but certainly the oncologist should consider whether other equivalent drugs are an option. In August 2018, it was reported that the dietary supplement lecithin improved the myelination of diseased Schwann cells. The vitamin B 12 can make people with CMT show their weaknesses more and come out and different ways. What To Eat & Avoid When You Have Niemann Pick Disease? Wish Id of known sooner. Ive thought a lot about diet now that Im in my late 20s. I use an elliptical since I cannot run, I also use kettle bells and body weight to keep off the extra weight right now Im stuck fighting to loose at least 50 pounds, Keep up the good work. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I do not know the relative risk in this setting that appears to be separate from CMT. The only notable interaction is with the treatment and certain HIV-drugs, which I presume are not an issue. http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/chip/cmt.html. AcipHex (rabeprazole) is in the same class of drug as Prilosec (omeprazole) and Prevacid (lansoprazole), both of which have very rarely been associated with causing peripheral neuropathy. A recent study found that a compound in spinach increase protein synthesis, which helps your muscles repair faster after you work out. Does Charcot-Marie-Tooth contribute to high cholesterol. I do not know if L-histidine benefits diabetic patients, but if he believes that it has, he may continue taking it. The risk of worsening the neuropathy appears to be very small, but incompletely known, while the benefit of the drugs is well established. Serafem is a completely different type of agent and is the same chemical as Prozac (fluoxetine). There are a number of complications of prednisone, including loss of muscle strength, but the problem is usually mild and at higher doses. You should reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake to improve the quality of your sleep and in turn, reduce tiredness and fatigue. According to our CMT experts, Botox is not recommended for individuals with CMT but can be used in areas that are not directly affected by CMT (the face, for example). The use of interferon in the treatment of hepatitis C was a major advance a number of years ago, but the treatment has had notable side effects, most commonly flu-like symptoms. My feet wake me up. Throwing back sugary drinks like soda can result in significant weight gain, wrinkly skin, an increase in triglycerides and more. "Fruited yogurts, often in cup to . Hi im 34 and have cmt type 1A, iv read alot of bad things how people end up life wise that have cmt but there must be people out there that life a long an able life, i would love to hear from people, regards Grant. Some snack foods and store-bought packaged toddler foods are high in salt. It's a super easy and great way to spread awareness and support CMT Research. The drug, however, is associated with other direct lung (pulmonary) toxicity of differing types and is more than likely the cause of your problem. There is not a special diet for people that have CMT. 30 foods to avoid Yogurt with fruit Plain yogurts are a good source of probiotics, which is great for your gut health. Some theorize that drugs that interfere with fat metabolism may disrupt normal muscle function in a small percentage of patients ranging from one in a 100 to one in 1,000, depending on the agent. Wahls protocol is a modified Paleo diet, which may have benefits for some, but again may be too low in carbohydrates for others. It is known that most lipid-lowering therapies, including statins, fibrates, and niacin, may cause muscle toxicity and Ezetimibe is touted as an alternative. Reglan is associated with other neurological side effects, most commonly movement disorders, which are usually recognizable by treating physicians. The cardiologist should be aware of any EKG changes. Access our archives since 2014. two major enzymes possessing anti-inflammatory properties to facilitate easy recovery of your weak muscles. Chocolate, nuts (hazelnuts, pecans, peanuts, almonds, cashews, etc), seeds, canned fish and gelatin contain high levels of arginine. At my age now, I have develop osteoarthritis, 2 right hip replacements, and last few years the neuropathy in my feet is unbearable. Studies by the manufacturer did not seem to uncover cases of muscle problems, but there are now a handful of reports, though not well-documented, with this drug as well. When we discuss losing weight, what were really talking about is creating a calorie deficit. While people with CMT generally suffer no ill effects from the moderate consumption of alcohol, they should be particularly mindful of the fact that alcohol affects balance and coordination, and that overconsumption of alcohol is generally not recommend under any circumstances. If these substances damage normal nerves, patients who already have a nerve disease, either hereditary as in CMT or acquired in diabetes, are more susceptible to these substances. It does have other, more common side effects that should be reviewed with the prescribing physician. Proposed list of medications of concern to patients with CMT Definite high risk (including asymptomatic CMT) Vinca alkaloids (vincristine) Moderate to significant risk Amiodarone Bortezomib (velcade) Cisplatin, carboplatin, oxaliplatin Colchicine (extended use) Dapsone Didanosine (ddI) Dichloroacetate Disulfiram Gold salts Leflunomide I eat a lot of fruit juices sugar in it. Naratriptan (Amerge) is a commonly prescribed migraine treatment in the triptan class and is similar to Imitrex (sumatriptan). The two used for bacterial infections with the most convincing link to neuropathy are metronidazole (Flagyl) and nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin, Furadantin, Macrobid). I hope that you go and check it out and that you were able to start implementing changes into your diet and that you will start to experience the amazing health benefits that I have. We rely on your donations as we advance our mission to deliver results to our CMT family community. He suggested CMT-ers focus on foods high in anti-inflammatory components: Green leafy vegetables Bok choy Celery Beets Broccoli Blueberries Pineapple Salmon Chia seeds Flax seeds Coconut oil Turmeric Ginger Walnuts Taking the challenge I turned the doctor's suggestions into a shopping list. Another common issue for children that they typically outgrow, milk can trigger eczema for people who are otherwise are not lactose intolerant. It all helped. There is also another class of older stomach acid medications called H2 blockers that includes prescription and over-the-counter drugs, including ranitidine (Zantac) and cimetidine (Tagamet). The other consideration is that infection, usually bladder infection, can cause shortness of breath if it spreads. The statin class of cholesterol drugs inhibits a critical enzyme in cholesterol production. After the conference, I took a second look at certain aspects of my life that I had never considered as important to addressing CMT. Everyone is different and this disease affects people in very different ways. However, this does vary from person to person and you may need to experiment with your own diet to find out the best amount of carbohydrates for you. Given the current knowledge, this drug is still probably a good bet if lipid therapy is needed. CMT itself is likely not slowing your weight loss, although you may be limited in physical activity which can make weight loss more difficult. Unfortunately, none of these medications work all the time for all patients; some work for some patients, others work for other patients. Is that unwise for a wheelchair-bound person with CMT? by Courtney | Jan 11, 2021 | CMT-Connect, Nutrition, Pain, Webinars - Nutrition, Webinars - Pain | 0 Comments. My digestive system is shot.. the atrophy ..ugh. In addition, most of the literature on other medications is based on patients with CMT1A (the commonest demyelinating form). Of interest is the fact that other anti-seizure medications, like phenytoin (Dilantin) or carbamazepine (Tegretol) also treat pain in some patients with neuropathy. It does not provide medical advice, . I was born with CMT and have been struggling with my weight for the last 8 years or so. I was born with CMT 1a in 1966 but not officially diagnosed until 31 yrs later at Walton Neurosurgical Centre, Liverpool. NIH Fact Sheet, Omeprazole (brand names: Losec, Prilosec, Zegerid, Ocid, Lomac, Omepral, Omez), Lansoprazole (brand names: Prevacid, Zoton, Inhibitol, Levant, Lupizole), Esomeprazole (brand names: Nexium, Esotrex), Pantoprazole (brand names: Protonix, Somac, Pantoloc, Pantozol, Zurcal, Pan), Rabeprazole (brand names: Rabecid, AcipHex, Pariet, Rabeloc). Give a copy to your physician and any other medical professional who is involved in your care and treatment. Yeah, dont believe the lies. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is one of the most common inherited nerve disorders. These are involved in transmitting nerve signals from the brain to the muscles to control movement, and sensory information from the rest of the body to the brain. Indeed, obesity or overweight condition results in additional issues, which make the Charcot Marie Tooth symptoms worse. Nitrous oxide or laughing gas is on our neurotoxic drug list, but this is only considered toxic if the person abuses the drug or has a vitamin B deficiency. Please consult with your physician before consuming tonic water for nocturnal cramps! Cow's Milk. Male and female steroids (hormones) of various types appear to affect a variety of normal nerve and muscle functions. Aiming for foods with less than 5g sugar per serving and 5g fiber or more per serving is best. We had never heard of this before. green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and collards. Everything you put into your body needs to do double duty, whether it is increasing metabolism, lowering cholesterol, or helping your muscles recover faster after a workout. I would expect no problems from four days of use. Worst mistake of my life was going vegan with CMT. This leaner meat is nonetheless high in purines. Spinach: The latest study has revealed that spinach plays a major role to increase protein synthesis and hence, it helps in faster repairing of body muscles after you complete your regular workout. Other arginine-heavy foods to stay away from if you have herpes are tomatoes, wheat germ and some fruits like grapes, blackberries and blueberries. Smoked or processed meats, such as hot dogs, bologna, bacon, corned beef or smoked fish. I know CMT affects folks in many ways, but seeing the list of symptoms was shocking. I did that many times over the years and finally learned that your body is the best gauge for what you can do safely and what you should avoid. I didnt have any shoes on. Dr. Greg Stilwell responds: Botox has been used successfully in spastic contractures, as well as hyperhidrosis (sweaty feet). Recent studies have confirmed what five year olds have been telling us for years chocolate milk is a health drink. This could include replacing processed-flour goods with unprocessed grain products, such as bread, pasta, and rice. The index originally used by HUD was the U.S. Temps were in the mid/90s. Preservatives, sweeteners, chemicals, flavor enhancers, artificial colors, and more are all recurring ingredients being added into many . Mildly increased CK (creatine kinase) values are not a primary reason to withhold a statin drug, but muscle symptoms and CK values should be checked while on the drug. YUBHA has taught over 100 students, and a lot of them have cleared different If there is any deterioration of your CMT, you should be evaluated immediately, but I would not expect that to happen and believe you should take the advice of your doctor. These theoretical and laboratory tests must be weighed against your current hot flashes and related symptoms. One slice contains 27 calories, 0 grams of fat, and 7 grams of carbs. Inflammation is an immune response to damage that can cause heat and swelling in the muscles following exercise and can slow down muscle repair. Foot deformities such as hammertoes and high arches also are common. The next day I felt horrible and my legs were so weak I thought they were going to collapse under me. Perhaps it is because people who eat more protein tend to burn more calories a day 71 calories a day to be exact, according to British researchers. There were a few reports of sudden neuropathy with St. Johns Wort in the late 90s, but very little since then. , MD, a neuromuscular physician at the University of Missouri, said at the conference that although he works at a. many factors outside the clinic affect how well a person lives with CMT. There are 254 drug interactions with CMT (choline salicylate / magnesium salicylate) CMT (choline salicylate / magnesium salicylate) alcohol/food interactions. Salmon. Ive had CMT for 45 years and Im only 48 so I have a little experience. Garlic and Root Vegetables Garlic, onions, ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Got milk? Donate While You Shop & Support CMT Awareness! How was the diagnosis process? This article does not provide medical advice. Venlafaxine (Effexor) is a popular and widely used antidepressant that is also used to treat neuropathic pain, especially well studied in patients with diabetic neuropathy, although the drug has no current specific FDA indication for this use. There are no known reports of terbinafine (Lamisil) causing peripheral neuropathy or worsening CMT-related weakness. Avoid if you can! Nuclear medicines and radiation treatments used against cancers are in a different category, but the drugs generally used in colonoscopy are light anesthetics. Podiatrist? This article on Epainassist.com has been reviewed by a medical professional, as well as checked for facts, to assure the readers the best possible accuracy. #1: The book! Our articles are resourced from reputable online pages. In the case of stopping monoamine oxidase inhibitors, such as Nardil, you may experience disorientation, confusion, mild movement disturbances, and even hallucinations. The small risk must be weighed against the drug indication. September 24, 2019. Rash, however, is a potential complication of any medication. The most common are dizziness, lightheadedness, weakness, headache, stomach upsets, sleep disturbances, and anxiety. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. I have yet to figure out what to do with turmeric. (Photo by Young Lee). Fruits. I know of no evidence that the nuclear medicines typically used in diagnostic tests affect CMT patients any differently than they do other people. Avoid processed foods as much as possible. (Photo by Young Lee). The ideal ratio of chia seeds to liquid varies based on personal taste, as does the choice of liquid. Because a person with CMT cant exercise as hard as someone without CMT, it is important to watch your diet. >A dose of 25 mg/day of pyridoxine appears to be of negligible risk. Try eating a diet rich in healthy fats and fiber. One of the challenges facing people with CMT is fact that CMT muscles can take longer to recover from exercise. But I never looked at food and diet as a treatment until Govindarajan highlighted foods that CMT-ers could consider. Methadone and Vicoden pills have no such concerns. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis ortreatment. Soda is one of the most popular foods around and, according to the experts at the Mayo Clinic, it's also one of the most harmful if consumed too often. Most people with CMT will have no problem with anesthesia. We are not doctors, so we urge you to consult a doctor before beginning an exercise plan. There is no known direct effect of Evista on CMT patients or peripheral neuropathy. There is no evidence that Vitamin D is helpful in alleviating the symptoms of CMT. The best possible diet you can be on to manage your CMT symptoms is one that is nutritionally balanced in a way that your muscles receive all the necessary macro and micro-nutrients to optimize their function. Had symptoms all of my life. Most toxic exposures are from much higher dosages, mostly of 250 mg or more a day. Diagnosed in early 20s. 25 Foods You May Want to Avoid, According to Registered Dietitians. Minds constantly cloudy and the neuropathy is insane. It is a possible medical side effect that is unrelated to CMT. Podophyllin resin is clearly neurotoxic and is contained in certain roots used in Chinese herbal remedies, but it hasnt been used in Western supplements since the 1980s. How To Diagnose Charcot Marie Tooth & What Is The Best Medicine For It? My 7 year old granddaughter was diagnosed with CMT in the spring. He suggested CMT-ers focus on foods high in anti-inflammatory components: I turned the doctors suggestions into a shopping list. There are a number of similar cases in the literature of patients without known CMT receiving vincristine and developing severe neuropathy after one or several courses, then later discovering a close relative with known CMT. 6 /8. Fatigue. This can include straining weakened muscles and joints further and making it more difficult to move around, resulting in further weight gain. Hash Browns: 13 Facts About The Popular Breakfast Food. Ezetimibe (Zetia) is the first of a new class of antihyperlipidemic agents, the cholesterol-absorption inhibitors. Provided there is no evidence of muscle damage (high CPK or vascular insufficiency) there is no reason why beta blockers should not be used for hypertension in patients with CMT. With this approval, the FDA granted a . Shutterstock. 1715z-16 allowed HUD to insure ARMs that have fixed interest rates for 3 years or more and are not subject to interest rate caps if the interest rate remains fixed for more than 3 years. The treating MD should have mentioned these possibilities. In some cases, where this was not recognized promptly and treated effectively, death or hypoxic encephalopathy resulted. PO Box 105 This adverse effect usually doesnt result in discontinuation of the alendronate. The numbers in the parentheses (1, 2, 3) are clickable links to peer-reviewed scientific papers. Fill in the required fields to post. X-linked type CMT 2 is an unusual form; CNS demyelination is also seen, but is unusual as well. Cyclosporin A can cause the same problem, but even more rarely. Take multivitamin, alpha-lipoic acid and co-enzyme Q10 daily. No gluten, no sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease results in smaller, weaker muscles. They helped me. :-), Sorry but a high plant diet will make your CMT symptoms worse. Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Children younger than 24 months old should avoid added sugars. Cured meats, which are meats treated with salt and nitrate or nitrite, such as dry-type summer sausages, pepperoni and salami. This means cooking from scratch, eating 5-7 servings of fruits or vegetables per day, and incorporating foods like . . Eating certain healthy foods following exercise may help boost this recovery time, enabling patients to get started again faster. 3 W Garden St There is no known or reported link between worsening neuropathy and either Lomotril or metoclopramide (Reglan). Eating significantly less than your BMR may actually stunt your weight loss efforts. There is very limited information about nutritional and dietary supplements and peripheral neuropathy. The drug also tends to affect sensory (sensation) nerves more than motor (strength) nerves and therefore usually does not cause significant weakness even in more severe cases. Adalimumab (Humira) is a recombinant human IgG1 monoclonal antibody that blocks the action of human tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which is thought to be a factor in the joint inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. Especially avoid processed deli turkey. The foods that you eat need to do more than just fill you up. It can also increase the risk of diabetes, which can cause further damage to the feet, as well as the heart and lungs. Anticonvulsants (some of which have been noted to have mood-altering effects) such as tiagabine (Gabitril) are notorious for side effects like dizziness and drowsiness. Ive been trying to go vegan. HNF has been conducting patient-focused research dating back to 2007. Steroids have not shown to be effective in strengthening muscles affected by CMT. It is not easy to predict which medication will work for which patient in advance. Eating less, but still above the basal metabolic rate, is the target to hit. It might be interesting for you as it's pretty much along the lines of what you are talking about. Glenolden, PA 19036. The book cover (and 19 of my favourite photos of that stretch) are included below. The drug appears to have an increased risk of neuroleptic malignant syndrome and possibly serotonin syndrome, emergent conditions that affect muscle, but this risk is not further increased, to my knowledge, by having CMT. Excluding the aforementioned food items to eat, Charcot Marie Tooth patient should make sure to intake plenty of juicy fruits and veggies, along with protein-rich food items. Foods to Eat and Avoid When You Have an Ulcer Choose These Foods Fruits Vegetables Legumes Lean meats like skinless poultry and lean beef Fish and seafood Eggs Whole soy foods like tofu or tempeh Fermented dairy foods like kefir or yogurt Healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, and nuts Whole and cracked grains Green tea Can anyone help me? Although Lee first learned he had CMT at a very young age, he didnt participate much in the CMT community until 2018, when his friend and fellow BioNews writer, Kevin Schaefer, encouraged him to explore and learn more about this very important aspect of his life. A recent review of the North American CMT database uncovered no cases of terbinafine complications, but it may be that no patient reported using the medication. clearing any trip hazards from your home and taking particular care on uneven ground can all help you avoid falls. I was diagnosed late in life and only had to stop working just over a year before i was 65 . It is adapted from something my mother taught me. Some studies suggest diets rich is B12 vitamins can help but it is not conclusive. Her symptoms dissipated in four months. Any Help for me? While there is no evidence that vaccines affect the CMT genes directly, the issue has not been studied. If it comes straight from the udder, avoid it. The first is tacrolimus (FK-506, ProGraf), which rarely causes a neuropathy with demyelinating features, probably by triggering an immune reaction. During this time, you and your doctor should be watching for evidence of withdrawal symptoms or a depression recurrence. La plus grosse communaut franaise base sur la rplique en tous genres, (chaussures, vtements How did I go to sleep with my shoes on? However, there are adverse effects involving muscle pain (or musculoskeletal pain) associated with the use of this medication (clinical studies) in 6 percent of all patients receiving a 40 mg daily dose. Only those with respiratory involvement (very rare) or vocal cord paralysis (a very rare variant) may have problems with anesthesia above that seen in the general population. Turkey. Acid reflux can be connected in some people with CMT due to weakened mussels in the neck. Contrary to public opinion, except in the case of over dosage, oral narcotics such as methadone are some of the safer medications in use. They are low impact and even if you dont swim, you can safely exercise because floatation belts are provided. Thank you!! Read about CMT updates and the latest in CMT research. Nystatin is a completely unrelated antibiotic drug that long predates statin cholesterol drugs and is primarily used to treat fungal infections; Nystatin is NOT associated with neuropathy. By investing in the CMTAs Legacy Society, you can ensure that children with CMT will grow up with the hope of a world without CMT. There are concerns for prolonged general anesthesia in the ICU setting for many days to weeks, but there is no evidence of a problem with short-term anesthesia. Share to your page and let others know what CMT research means to you! I suffer daily with chronic pain. Information on diseasemaps.org is reported by users and is not medical advice. My, My, just typing all this is overwhelming. Tea. There is no hard and fast rule that determines extended use, but it is usually many weeks to several months. Even this association is still preliminary and not well accepted. (Trip stats/details in comments) 1 / 20. Taking too much B6 is bad. With blueberries, pineapple, walnuts, and chia seeds on my shopping list, making chia pudding was an obvious choice. Learn about how to identify your trigger foods: Treatment with onapristone, a progesterone antagonist, has improved the neuropathy of the CMT1A rat, but has not been tested in humans yet. You can find it in egg yolks, tuna, fortified cereal and milk, mushrooms, sardines, and salmon. I made a broccoli curry with turmeric, but I wasnt happy with it. It can decrease appetite and lead to weight loss. Diphtheria infection can cause severe demyelinating neuropathy and is potentially fatal. 2. There are a few others with minor or preventable risk, such as Isoniazid (INH). Replacing simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates that take longer to be broken down and release nutrients for longer can help. And I prefer vanilla coconut milk regular milk is too thick. The effects are uncommon and directed directly against muscle and not on the nerve or worsening of CMT. There is no evidence that injections will worsen the overall condition. I am 5' 1" weighing 155 lbs. Pineapples do not contain Papain, thats from Papayas. According to a recent study profiled in Mens Health, people who drank three cups of green tea a day had fewer markers of cell damage caused by resistance to exercise. Paramount+ is . Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is one of the most common inherited nerve disorders. My hip hurts a lot when I walk. I know of no cases associating neuropathy with Aciphex to date, though neuropathy is listed in the company information as a very rare association (less than one in 1,000) from its clinical trials conducted before drug release. Black beans, lentils, chickpeas, pinto beans and soybeans are all great sources of anthocyanins - that magical flavonoid that reduces inflammation. However, if you are Vitamin D deficient, discuss supplementation with your doctor. Neurologist? The effect is likely magnified with already weak or inactive muscles. Dietary Dos and Donts for Migraine Sufferers, Shirshasana (Headstand) Versus Inversion Therapy Using Inversion Table, Understanding Joint Pain and Tips to Get Relief Using Home Remedies, Erectile Dysfunction: Does Opioid Cause ED, Libido: Opioid Induced Female Sexual Dysfunction. What are all foods to eat wth cmt and what avoid, Trying to learn more on cmt what to eat and what not to having weight gain and in lot of pain. It covers the first half of my journey, a 32,600km cycle from Ireland to Australia. The short answer is there is no one-size fits all. Its rare that one of these posts gives me information I hadnt heard before, but, It featured an image of a body and its nervous system, surrounded by words and images representing CMT symptoms 27 of them. If not caught in its earliest stage, the joints in the foot collapse and the foot eventually becomes deformed. However, immunosuppression is a required treatment in order to prevent rejection of the transplant, so the issue and relative risks and benefits should be discussed with your local physicians. Your email address will not be published. Just "OWN" It - Build Your Own Fundraiser! Decisions about steroid use or dose should be weighed against the expected benefit gained for the arthritis and the severity and type of the arthritis. Along with disc problems and Arthritis in lower back. For the person who works in a hospital setting, hepatitis might be a real threat. Your muscles store carbohydrates and use them most efficiently of all the macronutrients. Care should be taken if there are any allergies to eggs or soy, as these are often sources of lecithin supplements. The feedback link Was this Article Helpful on this page can be used to report content that is not accurate, up-to-date or questionable in any manner. Late in life and only had to stop working just over a year i... Increase protein synthesis, which make the Charcot Marie Tooth & what is the same chemical Prozac. And have been telling us for years chocolate milk is too thick fatal. Known direct effect of Evista on CMT patients any differently than they do other people and any medical. The person who works in a different category, but is unusual as well seeing. 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Soy, as does the choice of liquid copy to your physician and any other medical professional who is in! Ways, but the drugs generally used in colonoscopy are light anesthetics be watching for evidence of symptoms. Known direct effect of Evista on CMT patients or peripheral neuropathy muscles joints. Any allergies to eggs or soy, as well if lipid therapy is needed to! Similar to Imitrex ( sumatriptan ) before consuming tonic water for nocturnal cramps next day i felt horrible and legs... Link between worsening neuropathy and is potentially fatal - ), Sorry but a high diet. No known or reported link between worsening neuropathy and either Lomotril or metoclopramide ( )..., discuss supplementation with your doctor your physician before consuming tonic water for nocturnal cramps meats with. But a high plant diet will make your CMT symptoms worse indeed obesity!

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